Sunday, May 08, 2005

I Miss U all... yaar

hi frnds

I miss u all yaar.. No one is left here. Everyone gone to home. Since a company is coming I stayed in the hostel itself. I think in the last five days everyday i went to station. I dont know whether i was a luckiest person r not because i have given sendoff to all my frnds.

Here entire hostel is full of silence. And the days when u ppl are there for every minute we shouts like Saleh..... Thakurrrr.. baabaee.. Chawanni... Jhaaaaaaa... Ramu........ and Mottu...
Now no one is there yaar..

Now no one is there for playing cricket yaar... I dont know when we ppl will play again.. the cricket in that way.... and also water holi yaar........

All those days were gone. Now the entire life will change into professionalism. Wishing u all 4 ur bright future..

Keep in touch.... Keep Smiling..


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