Friday, May 20, 2005

CDOT Interview at MNNIT........

Hi frnds....

At last today I am leaving allahabad frnds. Yesterday CDOT had came and they conducted the interviews for shotlisted people. Asusal PPT was there in the begining. Intially i thought my name will be last in the interview list as it was there in the shortlisted list. But when the schedule came my name is in the second place. I have only 15mins to give my interview, but i was not ready at that time. I am not having certificates and as u ppl know that I am not having dress too.

Then our gr8 rahul singh( our thakur) and my junior helped me to get the formals. Then with in 30 mins I came back to hostel and return to TPO. I thought by that time Vikas Diwedi's Interview will be finished. But luckily it was not finished. I got a time to get relax. With in 10 mins my turn had came. I went inside the Hall where GD's will be conducted..(juz beside Prof.Satish Chandra's room) and it my luckiest place, as i cracked the IBM there itself.

Then my interview got started asking me
1) Name the disciplines in our college.
2) What is ur Discpline? Is it Electronics or ECE?
3) Then asked me abt my percentage then the position.
4) Then started asking me questions on microprocessors as it is my AOI
5) I was lucky enough that they havent asked me questions on DIC, my next AOI
6) Then questions on Project, asked me to draw block diagrams.
7) I was not able to answer some of the questions.

One more plus point for me is the Avishkar predefined Hardware COntest in which i got first prize.. they asked me to give sol for any one of the qeustion in that. U ppl remember the question on punch card. I gave sol for that in block diagram.

At last interview got finished and waited till manas interview. Then i came back to hostel. In the around 7'o clk i again went to college for result. Waited for long time but results were not given. At last reults were out arnd 8'0 clk.

Our piyush started reading out the names. Intially he didnt read out my name. I got depressed for 5 mins. Then luckily Nishant omar has asked him to read out the Tronix names again. Then first name read out is Mine. Oh.. god... mera naam tho hai. Then again i want to get it confirmed, so with my eyes i saw the result and came outside.

I have wasted my valuable 20 days in this allahabad. But now I am happy with the result. Today I am leaving the allahabad. But the memories with u ppl and the college will always be with me.

And My frnds who got thru the Interview are:
Vikas Diwedi
Isha Khanna
Sushil Chaudary
Anubhav Srivastav

frnds congrats of u..
but i think i will meet u in the company as i prefered Banglore for my psoting. I think u ppl had prefered Delhi. Wait and see what will happen...

Atlast thanx alot to my juniors, Naveen and praneeth with whom i shared the room and computer.

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